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The Story behind RAW-DROBE

Welcome to RAW-DROBE

a revolutionary streetwear brand where artistry and individuality converge. Conceived by Jonas Schadauer, known in the creative realm as SCHAKONGRAW-DROBE is a journey through self-expression. Although a long-time producer in the Drum & Bass world, Jonas aims to bridge the gap between music and fashion through this endeavor.


While RAW-DROBE has strong ties to the RawBassRecords community, a vibrant Discord server celebrating the drum & bass genre, our scope extends far beyond. Alongside trendy merchandise from RawBassRecords and unique designs by SCHAKONG, RAW-DROBE exists as a standalone streetwear brand committed to pushing the boundaries of what apparel can be.

We proudly offer collections that resonate not just with music enthusiasts but also with anyone who wants to have some drip. 

Our aim for RAW-DROBE is to keep releasing new, trendsetting products just like RawBassRecords - but instead of music we will be releasing streetwear. Not just any streetwear - but creatively crafted all-over prints.

There is only one risk: You might get blown away by the amount of girls running your way to be the first to steal your hoodie.

Our distinctive all-over prints set the stage for a fashion experience like no other—meticulously crafted, each design is a testament to Jonas’s years of creative pursuit. Whether you’re a fan of eclectic beats or just on the hunt for some eye-catching threads, RAW-DROBE invites you to break free from convention and embrace your own style.


Get ready to elevate your wardrobe. Get ready for RAW-DROBE.


Join our discord community if you're a producer, DJ or just a fan of proper Drum & Bass rollers!

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